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** 구인구직 배너 이용 또는 후원 문의 이메일: info@philain.com

구인 구직 - 바로 아래 전체 클릭 후 선택하세요

제목꼭읽어봐주세요!!2021-11-16 14:43
University of North Dakota 에서 상담심리학 박사과정 4년차인 최호형이라고합니다.
제 논문주제는 미국에서 거주하는 동양여성의 대상화 경험에 대해서 인데요. 미국에서 인종 소수인으로서 경험이 어떻게 웰빙에 영향을 끼치는지 연구하고있습니다.
15분정도 걸리는 IRB-approved된 익명의 조사에 참여해주세요(https://und.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cIIqxVY19Oe3qC1). 더불어 이 링크도 다른분들과 share 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

최호형 드림

Hello, my name is Hohyung Choi, and I am a fourth-year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D Program at the University of North Dakota. I am reaching out to seek participants for an anonymous survey.
I am interested in the experiences of Asian identified women living in the US. More specifically, I am conducting a study regarding the experiences and sense of well-being of women of Asian descent. I am working with my advisor, Dr. Kara Wettersten on this IRB-approved study.
If you identify as female and Asian (and 18 or over), please consider taking this anonymous survey. We do not ask for your name or any personal identifying information, but rather interested in your experiences. We are including a very broad definition of Asian descent, including female identified individuals living in the US who are 1st/1.5/2nd (and beyond) generation Asian American women and Asian women who are international students and scholars or who are simply living here in the US.
Your participation in survey would allow us to better understand factors attributed to the experiences and sense of well-being of women of Asian descent in the US.
Please go to the link below and complete the survey. Your answers are completely anonymous, and you can decide to opt out of the survey at any time. I would appreciate your participation if you fit the criteria.
Thank you!
Hohyung Choi M.S. Ed., M.Phil. Ed.
Doctoral Candidate, Counseling Psychology
Department of Counseling Psychology and Community Services

University of North Dakota

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