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자세한 사항은 아래의 Job Korea USA 링크를 참고해 주십시오.
관심 있으신 분들은, 이력서 이메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. Email : james@wtlaser.com
Field Service technician for aesthetic Medical Device [Responsibilities] - Aethetic Medical device field maintenance - Corrective Action and Preventive Action (CAPA) - Feedback for Quality issue to Head Quater - Managering the parts for maintenance [Qualifications] - Newcomer or Career - Good service mind - No grounds for disqualification for overseas travel - Those who can use MS Office [Preferential treatment] - Electronic engineering or medical engineering major - Experienced intern in the relevant position - Korean and english both available - Provide training oppertunities in South Korea.
Terms of employmentDental Plans, Health Insurance, Sick Leave, Paid Vacation